Monday, June 15, 2009

Thing#1 Post:
Some of the challenges I will face in this course of 23 Things is to face problems as challenges rather than roadblocks. Sometimes I get bored or impatient when things don't move along at a speedy pace. I'm sure I will face ample opportunities to toughen up as a solution-finder with this endeavor to complete this time-intensive course before my July trip! Which means that I have committed to accept responsibility for my own learning by using many tools for support, rather than immediately calling my boss, a significantly competent technology wiz.

The easiest habit for me as a lifelong learner is that I tend to begin with an end in mind, since I have difficulty moving forward if I don't have an ultimate plan or purpose. Even though I realize this about myself, I often forget to refocus when I feel bogged down during a project. Remembering my purpose always gives me a jump start. I am also very receptive to mentoring and teaching others. I like for others to be involved in something I've found fun or purposeful.

The most important habit for working through this course is to treat the assignments as play. Play is underrated in our work-driven society, and I believe that learning should often be fun. The brain chemicals released during fun activities provide a positive association to the learning that is happening. I also think that the use of my toolbox will be supremely important (especially the calendar). Brainstorming with others about the possible uses and applications of web2.0 will be much more productive than if I only think on my own. Input from colleagues who work with other age groups, from students of varying internet experiences, and from teachers of other subjects - all these help broaden the perspective from which I can understand this medium.


Debbie said...

Interesting fact about the brain chemicals released during fun activities. I guess that's why we remember the "fun stuff"!

hoopla said...

Play was the most difficult for me as well because this play is hard for me! I imagine the more I "play" the easier it will get and I will enjoy it more!

HReneMc said...

Since my sisters and I have had the privilege of being in your classes, I can say you definitely have a knack for motivating students! I know you will continue to use your learning to benefit others:)