Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thing #6 Post:
I am really practicing the RSS skim method. It will take me awhile to master it so that I am efficient, but I've really enjoyed it. I found a site where James Hollis' motto is "Sharing is Caring." The posts are from teachers who love working with SMARTboards, and share the ways they have used them successfully in classrooms. Besides just tutorials, some posts show examples of how they used specific programs. Another humorous post by Terry Friedman describes the mysterious 'tech force' that seems to be out to get us as we experience cyber life. I used to believe that this 'force' eminated from copy machines. They could feel my karma as I approached and did not want any thing to do with it. A machine that had worked all day long would deliberately misfeed, create a paper jam, or run out of toner. Now that I depend upon computers more than copiers, that 'force' has moved to my desktop and/or laptop. Trying to fix it through problem-solving is pointless. There is no logic to fixing a computer issue. Shut down. Restart. Computer works. Victory over the tech force!! I added the Dilbert feed, but I think I'll look for Bizarro and Steve Moore. They have good science-related comics and have given us copyright to use them in instruction!


Debbie said...

I had the 'force" dealing with laminators! Now that's a mess! ;-)

Perez' Ponderings said...

I spent A LOT of time and added more than was required, but I feel it will prove to have been time well spent. Most of what I added were teacher information and for free materials or technology. I am turning out to be pretty good at skimming, but one site alone sent 1000+ postings. That will definitely be the last one I look through ! When I get through them all, I'll have to go sift through my "star" list.