Friday, July 03, 2009

Thing #19 Post:
The toy of my dreams. I think this is my favorite thing.

I used this same 'idea' in my lower tech environment of a picture (converted to a transparency) and an overhead projector. My only input would be words/phrases spoken aloud by students while I jotted them on the transparency. This type of group input would stimulate discussion and narrow down important concepts as contributions by everyone were tied together in a meaningful way.

This toy adds so much dimension to this instructional method! It adds personalization, ownership, and creativity. One of my hopes is that it might encourage shy students to develop some courage in expressing their thoughts. Plus it is permanent in that it can be referred to often. The example on Measuring Volume of Weird Objects is one that I particularly like. I also see students forming their own ideas on topics to be explored on Voicethread. I think it would be so great for family pictures too! Why have I not seen this anywhere before?

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Voicethread is a favorite of mine as well! So much potential!