Sunday, July 05, 2009

One last thing Post:
And this is only 23 things. I am sure there will be 23 more things by next month. That is the truth and if you don't believe it then you are probably still trying to figure out how to copy/paste in word. Students learn these tricks and tools intuitively or through the familiar navigation of popular sites. When I mention any of these applications to kids, they 'know' what I am talking about even though they don't know the name. For most teachers, in order to stay ahead of the learning curve...."they're gonna have to take 23 things...."
I will recommend this class to others, but maybe during a regular semester. I thought taking this in the summer, it would be easier to find time to work on the lessons, but life gets in the way, even during summer! But the time invested is more than worth it. I am very excited to begin using some of these tools.
I hope to use many of these 23 things to help with my most important objectives as a science facilitator: Building background knowledge in science teachers, creating lessons that are on-target with the state objectives, and finding ways to assess how well students are learning. I believe that I learned some ways to make learning fun and interesting for students, and ways to make instruction more focused and versatile for teachers.
A very heartfelt thanks to the people in Library Services who put this course together and who were so helpful in the monitoring of our coursework.


Debbie said...

Congratulations! You did it! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts. They were always so thoughtful and related back to the students. Don't you feel good to know 23 things? :-)

Patty Tanamachi said...

Yes, I am grateful for the class and for your input on the comments. I really learned so much, and I don't see how I would have ever come across much of this without taking this class. I certainly think more educators should do the same.

Read With TedDee said...

I am so glad you are done. You did a great job and I kept using yours as a model, haha