Sunday, July 05, 2009

Thing #21 Post:
The Google Notebook is closed to new subscribers! From what I could gather, they wanted to focus on other applications and felt that most users could use other applications to accomplish what they were using Notebook for. There were quite a few unhappy posts about it though. It was recommended that just making a google doc with notes would be a good substitute. One responder mentioned that he switched to a thing called Zoho Notebook, so maybe we could take a look at that.

I had not heard about Google Alerts, so I configured my account to send me updates on swine flu, global warming, and earthquakes. These topics have been pertinent to our area in recent months, so I would like the latest information.

I have known about Google Sketch up for some time, but haven't invested the time required to build good models. My first attempt was very frustrating! I recently found out that my boss, Joel Palmer, has given training on this feature of google, so I guess it is time for me to sign up! It has super potential. I made a rudimentary model for display here, but later on this month I'll go to my school files and post the picture of a hot plate made by Joel. It is really fabulous. One really cool feature is that you can spin the hot plate around while in the program and see the hot plate from top, bottom, front, and back.

I have a google calendar that I share with my family so we can plan our times together. It happens to be on this account I am using, so I'll have to rearrange my accounts to move that calendar to another personal google account. I hope to use this calendar with my science specialists so we can plan meetings and deadlines for projects. Our district has a calendar with our email, and it is the one I currently use with my boss and other facilitators, so we'll see which one works best for this purpose. I'm thinking if we are using iGoogle home pages, Google docs, etc. then it will be smoother to use the Google calendar. Has anyone else been using the Google calendar for school and work?

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I haven't tried the Google calendar but we might explore it for libraries.
I have a Google Notebook account but didn't know they closed registrations.